By Unpaid Carers, For Unpaid Carers And With Unpaid Carers.

Day and respite opportunities survey

Purpose of the survey

We want to gather views on people’s experiences of day services to understand what is working well and where improvements may be needed. This will help us to share best practice and ensure we’re addressing the most pressing issues.

In March 2024, the Association of Directors of Social Services published a review into day opportunities and respite or short breaks services. We have based the questions in this survey on the findings and recommendations made in the report.,Purpose%20of%20the%20survey,addressing%20the%20most%20pressing%20issues

The M.E Friendly Hospial Charter
The Charter, developed with input from a diverse group of over 20 people from the M.E. community representing various severities (including carers) and members of the NHS.
It’s intended to relieve M.E. patients of self-advocacy burdens by ensuring hospitals adhere to compassionate and M.E. appropriate care standards.
Full Charter is available here

Cardiff and Vale Understanding Disability Awards.

On 31st October 2024, VOICES ADFOCAD were humbled to receive a joint community organisations award at the 29th Annual “Understanding Disability Awards” Ceremony of the Cardiff and Vale Parents Federation.

For over 30 years Cardiff & the Vale Parents Federation has been supporting families caring for a relative with a learning disability. 

The 29th annual ceremony held at Futures Inn, Cardiff Bay, welcomed a host of volunteers, professionals and organisations to recognise and celebrate their contributions to understanding and supporting the Social Model of Disability, with presentations made by the Mayors of Cardiff and The Vale of Glamorgan.

In honouring this achievement, VOICES ADFOCAD will continue to develop our work towards improving the lives of unpaid carers and the people we care for.

We shall invest in opportunities which advocate our human rights through activities that enable us to feel safe and raise our collective voices. 

We wish to contribute to the shaping of positive futures for every citizen in Wales, by voicing our concerns, ideas and aspirations to decision-makers at all levels and be listened to and actively involved in decisions that affect us all.




LGBTQ+ Unpaid Carer Forum survey.

Are you an LBGTQ+ Unpaid Carer living in Wales? Would you like to connect with other LGBTQ+ Unpaid carers across Wales? @9th_Dr and @VoicesWales want to hear your views. Click the link below to complete the questionnaire.

Short Breaks Funding.

Very pleased to announce that we have been awarded some funding from the Cardiff Third Sector Council Short Breaks for Unpaid Carers fund to enable us to provide peer group sessions across Cardiff and the Vale and other activities. More information to come soon, so watch this space. 

Welsh Government responds to the recommendations of our report.

Read the response to our Cardiff and Vale Unpaid Carers Assembly recommendations from Denise Moultrie, Head of Domiciliary Care and Unpaid Carers Policy for Welsh Government here:

Dear Friends, Colleagues and citizens,

Today we commemorate "World Day of Social Justice" and pledge our efforts towards the eradication of hardship, social exclusion and poverty as we aspire towards a more equitable, just and friendly future for all.

Please see attached our completed Report from the inaugural Cardiff and Vale Unpaid Carers Assembly of 20th November 2023.

Nothing is perfect...

Nothing's in stone...

Please share your thoughts and feedback.

Click the link below for the full report:

Letter to Welsh Labour Leadership Contenders.

Who Cares For Our Carers?

Lindsey Burrow: Who Cares for Our Carers? - Unpaid carers in England and Wales are providing care worth an estimated £162 billion a year. What is the cost to those who take on the responsibility of caring for others? Watch here:

All Wales Dementia Care Pathway Of Standards

The standards for dementia care have been scoped over the past two years with over 1800 people ranging from people living with dementia to voluntary sector

organisations to practitioners across Wales and the UK. This work has been led by Improvement Cymru as part of the Dementia Care Programme and directed by the requirements of the Dementia Action Plan for Wales, overseen by the Welsh Government Dementia Oversight

Implementation and Impact Group (DOIIG). There are twenty standards narrowed down from over one hundred potential standards and they drill down to the detail of what people believe will make a positive difference to dementia care in Wales. They are designed to be dynamic and by responding to evaluation and supporting evidence, standards can be added or subtracted. 

The twenty standards sit within four themes: Accessible, Responsive, Journey, Partnerships & Relationships underpinned by Kindness & Understanding.


More info here -


VOICES ADFOCAD is a newly established Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO). 


VOICES ADFOCAD has come into being (January 2024) in the spirit of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and has been developed by, for and with Unpaid carers in Wales. 


Founding members Mike O'Brien and Bobbie-Jo are committed to putting the voice, views and aspirations of Welsh Unpaid Carers at the heart of everything the organisation does. 


With a breadth of experience of participation on strategic boards, networking and partnership working across all sectors together with a fluid awareness of the diverse needs of the Welsh unpaid caring communities, VOICES ADFOCAD hopes to be a timely and positive addition towards the pursuit of a rights-based agenda for change across our Welsh communities. 


VOICES ADFOCAD intends to promote and advocate the VOICES of Unpaid Carers - young and old, from all walks of life, abilities and backgrounds to ensure that the unique voice of the individual is listened to, heard and actively included in all matters of concern – from the ground to policy-making levels and back again.


20th November 2023 (UN World Children’s Day) saw the launch of the inaugural Regional (Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan) Assembly established by, for and with the region’s Unpaid Carers. This first Assembly welcomed the support of Unpaid Carers, the Cardiff and Vale Regional Partnership Board (RPB), Cardiff Third Sector Council, a cross-section of sectoral professionals and local businesses – Lazarou and Print Haus. 


VOICES ADFOCAD will continue to host an annual Regional Assembly in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan whilst promoting the benefits of Wales’ six other Regional RPB’s towards hosting similar events in their regions. 


The organisation intends to continue to pursue a Welsh National Unpaid Carers Register and facilitate opportunities for Welsh Unpaid Carers to make their views, concerns and aspirations heard through in-person and online meetings, training opportunities and the chance to actively participate in research and at strategic levels whilst being supported to meet their day-to-day responsibilities.



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